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TRIG : Masternodes, thorough elucidation ver.2.1e



The role of Masternodes

Masternodes have an important role of which consent the transactions on blockchain network in order to maintain network.

In the case of TRIG, masternodes approve those transactions on smartgun and TrigXchange network, and maintain the stable operation of those networks. Masternodes are able to obtain several rewards by consenting the transactions on those networks.

In details of TRIG, access below link.


How to run the TRIG Masternodes

There are 2 types of TRIG masternodes is chain masternode and system masternode.

One chain masternode is able to run by buying 1,500 TRIG, or 1 licence which will be able to get through bounty programs performed by blocksafe alliance.

One system masternode is able to run by buying 300 TRIG, or 1 licence which will be able to get through bounty programs performed by blocksafe alliance.

Although there is no upper limit in number of masternodes running on single computer, it is needed for 1,500/300 TRIG or equivalent licence per one masternode. (The node is related to MAC address on PC.)

To ready your masternodes, it is easy, it just input the amount of TRIG required into your own dedicated wallet on your PC. And then, you have to keep your PC online with 24/7 to connect blocksafe network. (If your PC is in offline, you would not get rewards as you could not consent to transactions on blocksafe network.)

It will take more time to complete the dedicated TRIG wallet. This is under development.

The SPEC of computer required for run Masternodes

I’ll write here the information about SPEC of PC for masternode although preliminary.

CPU: No information

Memory: recommended above 16GB

Storage: No information

GPU: No information

OS  : Windows, Linux (Not sure about Mac)

In preliminary additional information, you might use VPS for masternode.


Thorough elucidation of the Schematic diagram of TRIG masternodes

I have created the Schematic diagram of TRIG masternodes and original decentralized TrigXchange based on the whitepaper released from Blocksafe Alliance. Here, TRIG token is renamed to TRIGX.


Schematic diagram of TRIG masternodes:


What is “AMMO (AMMO)"?

  1. AMMO (AMMO) is a KEY currency on the decentralized TrigXchange network produced by Blocksafe Alliance. Thas is, it will become tradable the pairs of AMMO (AMMO) <=> TRIGX (), and AMMO (AMMO) <=> Subtoken (; subtoken issued by partners)
  2. AMMO (AMMO) is needed for sending TRIGX () to somewhere. If TRIGX () were a car, AMMO (AMMO) would be a gusoline.
  3. AMMO (AMMO) is able to use for ICOs and Airdrops conducted by partners.
  4. AMMO (AMMO) is able to be get by only masternodes (). In other words, all partners use smartgun network have to purchase AMMO (AMMO) from masternodes (). Nobody get AMMO (AMMO) in other ways.
  5. Although the soft-cap of AMMO (AMMO) is 60 million, if AMMO (AMMO) is short because of the buying binge by partners, it would be issued from Blocksafe Alliance through masternodes () additionally.


What is hash power ()?

  1. Hash power () is the arithmetic capacity of PC. CPU (Central Processing Unit) and GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) is the its candidates.
  2. It is need hash power () for consent the transactions on partner’s chain.
  3. In the current situation, although both CPU and GPU are capable for providing hash power (), hash power () of GPU is much higher than that of CPU. (GPU is strong as high as 100 times than CPU.)
  4. In general PC, you can provide hash power () just only that PC because both CPU and GPU are inside as the default.
  5. If you want more hash power (), you should replace to stronger CPU such as Ryzen, Xeon and Core i series, and GPU like Geforce and Radeon. (It may take more electrical charges.)


Consensus algorithm

Three type of PoW(Proof of Work)consensus algorithm is defined on TrigXchange network.

  1. PoE (Proof of Encryption): a node/chain masternode verifies the transaction details/data is encrypted. These are required for the next consensus.
  2. PoS (Proof of Storage): a node/chain masternode verifies the network storage details of the data so when a request is made to retrieve the data.
  3. PoD (Proof of Distribution): a node/chain masternode verifies the retrieval of the data which includes verifying that the data key successfully decrypted the data before being viewed (example – websocket or video streamed data).

Beside, there was a explanation like this.

In essence, Blocksafe Network has much features of a decentralized contents delivery network (CDN), much of that CDN logic derived from RED5’s (http://red5.org/) architecture to handle large data volume distribution that is decentralized.

Are they trying to start video streaming on decentralized Blocksafe Network? Though several services like Streamspace, Flixxo, Viuly, Stream, Lino and DECENT are known as a decentralized contents distribution platform recently, this may mean these function is containing to blocksafe network. Where is the storage of the video data…? on blockchain?

Advantages and disadvantages


Advantages by running the chain masternode ()

  • One chain masternode () can get 375 AMMO (AMMO) monthly as the reward of masternode. Total upper limit of AMMO is 60 million.
  • AMMO (AMMO) is tradable to TRIGX () or subtoken ().
  • AMMO (AMMO) will become tradable on general exchanges when listed.
  • The value of AMMO (AMMO) will increase correlated with the increased use frequency of smartgun network by partners. (Considering from NEO and GUS, the value of AMMO (AMMO) will settle down to 30% that of TRIGX (). There are already exist at least 40 partners they want to use this network.
  • Blocksafe Alliance is planing to create ICOs and Airdrops in which only AMMO (AMMO) holders can participate.
  • You can get TRIGX () as a reward by providing hash power () to mainchain (), while get Subtoken () by doing it to partner’s chain (). (The amount of rewards, efficiency and the division method of hash power will be defined by testnet.)


Disadvantages by running the chain masternode ()

  • It needs the funds to by 1,500 TRIGX (). (Approx. 2,900USD, 1 TRIG=1.9USD applied)
  • The value of AMMO (AMMO) and Subtoken () may not increase to the value we thought.
  • It spends more electrical charges because PC needs to keep online 24/7.
  • It spends more electrical charges depend on the strength of hash power () you provide.
  • It spends more electrical charges for air conditioner because heat is generated from PC.
  • It will accelerate the deterioration of PC by generated heat.
  • It will become noisy by cooler fan.
  • The amount of TRIGX () and Subtoken () as a reward will decrease because of the weakened hash power () when used VPS.


Advantages by running the System masternode ()

  • One system masternode () can get 75 AMMO (AMMO) monthly as the reward of masternode. Total upper limit of AMMO is 60 million. The amount rate of AMMO (AMMO) is same to that of chain masternode.
  • AMMO (AMMO) is tradable to TRIGX () or subtoken ().
  • AMMO (AMMO) will become tradable on general exchanges when listed.
  • The value of AMMO (AMMO) will increase correlated with the increased use frequency of smartgun network by partners. (Considering from NEO and GUS, the value of AMMO (AMMO) will settle down to 30% that of TRIGX (). There are already exist at least 40 partners they want to use this network.
  • Blocksafe Alliance is planing to create ICOs and Airdrops in which only AMMO (AMMO) holders can participate.
  • The amount of AMMO (AMMO) as a reward is not change when used VPS.
  • It may not so much spends electrical charges because you don’t provide hash power (). (depend on the CPU usage rate.)


Disadvantages by running the System masternode ()

  • It needs the funds to by 300 TRIGX (). (Approx. 580USD, 1 TRIG=1.9USD applied)
  • The value of AMMO (AMMO) may not increase to the value we thought.
  • The value of TRIGX () and Subtoken () you can not get for a reward may go to the moon.
  • It spends more electrical charges because PC needs to keep online 24/7. (depend on the CPU usage rate.)


Expense required for running the chain masternode

There are many crypto currencies other than TRIG to be able to run the masternode. Here I compared those crypto currencies selected to TRIG about the parameters of masternode. In this condition, we can get AMMO as a reward by running TRIG masternode, not TRIG, , so the value of AMMO was calculated as 25% of TRIGX (approx. 0.475USD).

Funds (USD)Annual
Annual USD
XEM3 mil.1.7 mil.25%0.43 mil.
DASH1,0000.7 mil.10%70,000
STRAT0.25 mil.2.5 mil.1%25,000

Attention : The annual interest of TRIG is not include the rewards obtained by providing hash power.

Incidentally, while you can run one system masternode by purchasing 300 TRIG, the funds and reward (AMMO) for system masternode is decreased to 20% compared to that of chain masternode.

In this table above, it is clear that the funds need for TRIG masternode is quite low compared to other funds for that. It will easily participate to TRIG masternode from now, isn’t it. lol


Where can we buy TRIG?

We can buy TRIG in foreign exchange, Binance.





Posted by Kossy